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I've missed all you crazy people that make me laugh :) |
First of all, Lets do some news rounds.
Sykik is a mom y'all!!! We have born Boy!! I'm making myself godmom! *shakes ikebe*
SisiYemmie is now a mommy too with a mini-Bobo. Congratulations guys *muah*
is backk!!!! Ok, not really but she posted after one year so that should count
for something, right?
showed his face briefly but he's back in hibernation too.
friendship, Unveiling Gold is back too...uhm, well partially. At least she's
reading and leaving comments. Baby steps people.
I still miss Beautiful and her gists *sigh*
is now a Doctor!!! Whooooooot!!! We need to pop something, yes? Let me go and
complain to her about this headache sef :D
Atilola, You're the real MVP. Constantly blogging ain't beans.

I went to Port-harcourt for the first time with HD!!! Yass! I also ate bole and
spicy fish *relishes the memory* I think I had white soup too. Plus there is
this child that I fell in love with since she was born. Her smile makes
everything alright. I've had her as my lap top wallpaper since forever. I
finally met her. Baby girl is just cuteness all round. Oh wait, they're are
actually two of them. Too cute. I met 9jasGreat too. You can head on over here
to read a brief recap. Oh, and Single Nigerian almost got us straight passes to
hell for almost slapping a church usher (which I would not have minded much really
loool) but that's story for another day.
there's been a something about babies and I. I'm not even sure I understand it
anymore. First, I hung out with HD one time and during our meal, there was
drama with a couple and their twin babies seating close to us. The boy twin
would take one look at me and start giggling. I mean, I'll remove my face but
once he caught my eyes again, the boy would break out into this huge grin. Every
darn time! #NoKidding. It was so freaky. A while back too, I went for a
friend's birthday party and this little baby girl munchkin decided I was her
playmate and proceeded to freak everyone out because apparently, she usually
does not play with strangers. Sigh. God, is this a sign? I haven't met my
Alhaji yet so I don't know how I'm bringing one of these into the world.
hair people! My hair! Atoskin, I'm sorry but this has to be said. God has shown
his glory. My hair is long yo! Long! As in, my hair that was re-christened chicken
scratch scanty is now long! Miracles happen people! By the way, I finally
met Atoskin too! Hi Atoskin and her hips. I see you both!
on to my nails. Here is what they used to look like.
Lovely and things but
brethren, I can't even show you the "after" picture because it is
disgraceful. I maintain that HD stole them. Don't tell me noth'n. Plus, I never
used to bite my nails. I still don't but you'd never believe me with the way
they look at the moment. I remember wishing/tweeting my hair would grow as fast
as my nails did at some point last year. To now add salt to injury, I tried to
henna my hair. I wore gloves as prescribed but my hair didn't even show any
hint of colour but guess what got dyed? My darn nails, that's what. *breathe Toin breathe*Anyways, God is finally showing mercy. My nails are not there yet
but they are definitely on their way.
don't want to overload this post but I just needed to tell y'all I'm breathing
and in one piece. I have to give the loudest sharaouts to Duru! This guy is the
most annoying but adorable aburo ever. He legit checks in on me almost every week. He drops comments on here too. If you don't believe, just check how many
comments in dropped in my last post. And that's excluding the ones he told me
not to upload on here. Rhapsody has also been amazing. She legit checked up on me most after Duru. You're both amazeballs *muah* To everyone who checked up
on me, I love you guys with my whole growing butt. Forever family, you all are.
To my new readers, I see y'all and I'll be stalking soon.
Oh, and I'm going to reply all of your comments on my last post. All 64 of them *sniff* You guys are the bestest. I tried my best to read you guys but lets play catch-up. What have I missed?
Is anyone watching So You Think You Can Dance? I love that show!!! This season
is definitely different with the stage vs street thing going on. There's
something about dance that makes my blood sing. It's just so groovy.