I got tagged by DHK,
Ibhade, Sugarspring, Cee
and Lady Ngo
in the Elevens. Luckily for me, DHK and Ibhade have the same questions.
I might have to edit this to answer Cee and Lady Ngo's questions. *whew*
*Post the rules*You must post 11 things about yourself*Answer the questions
that your tagger posted for you*Create 11 questions, then choose
11 people and tag them to answer your questions*Remember to let them
know you tagged them*No tag backs*Let the tagger know when you answered their
11 Things About Me
1. I don’t do favourites.
2. If I could, I would remove all the
pain from the world.
3. I love math. Believe that and you’ll
believe anything lol.
4. I don’t think alcohol likes me very
much which is fine because I’m not a fan too.
5. I’m a perpetual laugh-er. I just
love to find the humour
in everything. I wish I could get paid for laughing or sleeping. Sigh.
6. The glass used to be half empty but
I think it’s half full now. I’m learning to always be grateful for what I do
have and focus less on what I don’t.
7. I watch a 1000 ways to
die and some people think I’m morbid. I don’t think I am. It amuses me
and makes me realize simple everyday mistakes we make that could be deadly. I
also don’t watch it religiously so you can breathe too :)
8. I used to dance…a lot. I don’t
anymore, well, unless I see food. I know I don’t have shame.
9. Yea, I love food that much. Sadly, I
don’t eat that much. I try though #kanyeshrug.
10. I love to sing. You should see me
doing some Whitney-type ish. Even my bathroom walls agree. You better encourage
me to go on one of them idols shows so I can become the next Carrie Underwood.
11. I absolutely can not stand it when
someone squeezes paper in a bunch and throws it at me. It irritates the hell
outa me. Plus, I find it rude and disrespectful.
Questions from DHK and Ibhade
1. What hairstyle are you
currently rocking? A straight weave.
How long did you spend in primary school? 5years
3. What is your naughtiest moment? hehehe, I am the queen of
naughty so I don’t even know which to pick. I’m always up for mischief :D. Let
me just share one of my sane moments. My sister (Prim-not) was the class
captain in her primary 5 and the class donated for her to get a gum for the
class. My dad stopped to get this gum on our way home on this fateful day. As
soon as we got home, I took the new gum and my sister’s Common Entrance
practice book (Ugosi Ugo) and I gummed the book, page by page. When I was
eventually discovered by Prim-not, she put both hands on her head and burst into tears. She then looked at me in horror and screamed “Gum class mi!” (My class gum!)
Needless to say my dad had to get another gum on our way to school the next
day. In case you’re wondering, I was not beaten for it :D
4. How do you express your anger? Thing is, it depends on how angry I
get. I love the silent treatment. Sometimes I take a load of crap because I
just don’t want to believe that you’ll know something will piss me off and
you’ll do it. So most times, I’ll give you enough rope to hang yourself. I can
also be a fireball and go off for about 3 minutes non-stop and then stop and
walk away or laugh. I have a friend who gets on my nerves just to hear me rant
and then he laughs because he says I look funny which makes me madder. I don’t
fall for his bait anymore though.
5. What would you spend your last
penny on? Anything that catches my fancy at that time.
6. When was the last time you
treated yourself to a niceeeeeee warm food? This morning.
7. Who was the last person you
said “I love you” to? A friend who said he hated me :D
8. What is your favourite take
away dish? I really don’t do favourites.
9. How do you eat in public,
spoon, knife, fork or hands, loud, quiet, slow, fast etc? It all depends. I
can represent with fork and knife or use hands. I prefer hands with solids
though. I also prefer to eat fast because I get bored easily. If I do it
slowly/drink water, chances are, I won’t be full but it’ll bore me so I won’t
finish it and I’ll be crying hunger the next 15 minutes. I don’t gobble though.
10. Do you polish your shoes?
When I have to.
11. What are your thoughts on
after life? There has to be a better place than here. This can not be it.
Questions from Sugarspring
1. Who on earth do you think loves you most (apart from God) My
family. Of that, I have no doubt at all.
2. If you were to sacrifice your life for someone, who would it be? I
really don’t know. Anyone deserving I guess.
3. Have you ever had a crush? Oh yea. Currently crushing on Boris
Kudjoe. Guy is smokin’. He’s married though. Sigh
4. What’s the naughtiest thing you did as a child? I don’t want this
post to be about how naughty I am so I’ll refer you to #3 above but I tell you,
you can do a series of at least 4 seasons on the stuff I have done.
5. If today was your last day on earth, where would you rather be, what would
you do and who would you want to spend your last hour with? I would want to
spend it with my family relieving fun times.
6. If you were given a second chance to begin life again, would you rather
be someone else or the same YOU? I love me and I do me really well. It’ll
be too hard doing someone else.
7. What are you so passionate about in life?
8. If you were told to sing a solo for someone on the radio, who would it be
going out to? Hmn, leme think and get back to you.
9. If you were told to make a shout out to just ONE person on TV, who would it
be going out to? This is easy, Mo and trust me, I’ll be doing some
Jenifa-type sharouts.
10. Have you ever cried for a friend? and why? Me cry? For what now? *side
11. If Jesus was coming today, would you be ready? Are we ever truly ready
for anything?
My Questions:
- What’s the one question you would ask God if you could?
- What is your most embarrassing moment?
- If you could change one thing in the world right now, what would it be?
- If you could say one thing to the current pope, what would you say?
- What’s the one thing you wish you could "un-invent" in d world and
- What’s the most terrifying moment of your life?
- If you were to be recognised by posterity for one thing, what would you like to
be known for?
- What colour best describes you?
- If you could commit one crime without being caught, what crime would you
- If you had to name one lesson of love that took you the longest you learn, what
would it be & why?
- If you could be guaranteed one thing besides money, what would you want?
must have noticed that i have a thing for breaking rules (kanyeshrug) so my
'tagees' are:Miz-cynic (Special tagee :D)